
Tuesday, 3 November 2009


I still haven't heard whether Bertha Joseph, following her suspension as a councillor for ethical misconduct, is going to appeal. If she is, she will have to put the appeal by early November, if she has not already. In the meantime, her suspension has made things a lot easier for everyone else on Brent Council.

One of the key areas she caused problems was over Neighbourhood Working, the scheme that allows local councillors in each ward a small budget for community projects. Unfortunately, this was set up with a requirement that the three councillors agree everything. Fine if they are reasonable people, but a lot harder if one of them is Bertha Joseph. Bertha constantly vetoed projects for no reason, refused to participate in meetings, tried to get decisions overturned, and essentially tried to wreck the whole process. I am delighted to know that she won't be able to do that again before she loses in May.

The second way in which Bertha's absence if going to make everything better is in shortening events. Bertha is incredibly verbose, and can, single-handed, double the time of a meeting by endlessly talking about herself. This has made the Harlesden Area Consultative Forums especially dreary, but applies to any other meeting she attends.

To paraphrase Clement Attlee, a period of silence on her part will be welcome.


Anonymous said...

Dear Counillor, your heart must be skipping with joy at the over turning of the suspension of Councillor Bertha Joseph, announced today.
The Standards Board for England and Wales has over turned her suspension.
So we now have a valid active Conservative Councillor back and representing us.

I doubt that you will publish this as youy seem to edit out true opinion over Bertha Joseph, but I just thought you should know.

But at least we in Kensal Green have the services back of our dear Councillor.

Yours S. Smart, Kensal Green London

Anonymous said...

I heard that the suspension on councillor Joseph had been lifted. Why are you not reporting that on your site. You have covered her story several times on your blog, but seem to not be too quick to report the over turning.
This tells me that you are completely playing the political game and are truly old labour thinking which is myred in dirty tricks and disgraceful bullying of individuals. Councilor I expect more than this from the person that I voted fo represent me. I will not make that mistake again.

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