
Friday, 5 February 2010

Cllr Atiq Malik's Legal Threat

Back on 7 January, I published this post, commenting on Cllr Atiq Malik and Sharia Law. A few days later, Cllr Malik sent me a curiously worded email that threatened legal action, although it wasn't clear to me on what grounds. I wrote back to him suggesting that he either post a comment, or send a fuller explanation so that I could either amend the post or do a new one. So far, I haven't heard back from him, but I thought I may as well tell everyone that he has some sort of objection to the 7 January story.

UPDATE: Cllr Atiq Malik has posted a comment below, claiming not to have my response of 12 January. However, I still don't understand what your objection is Atiq. Could explain in more detail?

ANOTHER UPDATE: I have now been sent a statement on this matter from Atiq Malik, which I publish here.


beebebebebeb said...

I have just spent 15mins reading your blog from the start of the year......I know January is a depressing month but have you ever said anything nice about anyone? been pleased by anything? been happy? Every post is either a whine, an attack or a moan.

chrisgarvey said...

Keep 'moaning' = caring James (as well as the good news stories you often tell us). I have lived and worked in this area for over 40 years, and you are one of the few people who'walk the talk' and care about fly-tipping, crime, anti-social behavior, lack of youth facilities, transport and care for the elderly, etc. The silent majority of local residents really appreciate it, and often you are our only voice that can be heard. Beebebe... I suggest you look at this website to get good news stories all day:-

Atiq Malik said...

Cllr James Powney,
I never got your message. Could you please confirm where I said "Some time ago Cllr Atiq Malik whipped up a storm by suggesting that British Muslim women should be subject to Sharia Law, including the death penalty".

With regard to legal action I am still awaiting legal opinion from my legal advisor on the contents you published in your article.

Anonymous said...

Islamaphobic blog -
no idea of what own religion is
so lets attack something we know nothing about! Moral of the story is lack of education & respect for other religions= casue of all war/s! evidence watch the news on Algazeera for an impartial view.

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