
Friday, 15 April 2011

Cllr Lesley Jones on Libraries

My colleague Lesley Jones has posted on the national picture on Library closures.  It is worth remembering that Brent's Library Transformation Project provides for:

An enhanced online service
An enhanced outreach service to schools and children centres
Seven day opening at Brent's six libraries
Continuing investment in book stock
More IT in libraries

In other words we are looking to extend and improve the service despite all the financial challenges.


I think the comment below relates not to the Chair of the Labour Group, but to the branch Chair of Kensal Green, who has a long history of denouncing all sorts of Labour politicians including numerous MPs and councillors.  If the reported comment is true, he must have forgotten that he is not empowered to decide who stands for the Labour Party and who not.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but have you seen the comments of your colleagues in the Labour Group of the Kensal Green Ward? At the public meeting of the Save Kensal Rise library Campaign the chair of the Labour Group said that they totally support the campaign to save the library from closure and would see to it that you were not selected to stand again in the Kensal Green Ward.
Thank goodness not everyone in the Brent Labour Party is deaf to what the community wants. There's hope yet.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to you getting deselected James. You'd be voted out if you stood anyway, so it makes sense for them to deselect you.

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