
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Carbon Emissions at Willesden Green Library Centre

I have recently seen a study of carbon emissions at the existing Willesden Green Library Centre (by this I mean the 1980s building).  They are dire. They meet a pass mark under BREEAM, but that is it.  A new building reaching BREEAM Excellent status is bound to be a massive improvement in climate change terms.


Anonymous said...

But what about the energy consumption in demolishing an existing building and replacing it by another?

How many years does it take, of energy consumption savings on the new building, before it exceeds that?

Anonymous said...

It would be far more carbon efficinet to upgrade the existing library to a BREEAM excellent building than demolish the library. There was so much that could have been done years ago to achieve a greener building. Why preach sustainability in 2012 while there have been so many missed opoortunities for a more sustainable Brent that have been missed or ignored in the last 10 years.

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