
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Regeneration and Kilburn High Road

A while ago I did a post on regeneration of Willesden High Road.  I think that even some fairly modest improvements could bring it up to a much better standard, but an even more obvious candidate is Kilburn High Road.

Kilburn High Road is supposed to be one of Brent's two district shopping centres, but it has no real plans to do anything with it at present.  This is a shame as it has three potential draws to bring people in from a wide area.  They are the Tricycle Theatre, the church in the old cinema and the market near the Cock Tavern.  The Tricycle I think is very successful and really going places in renewing itself.  The church I think has potential to draw lots of people to the area, but there is a real danger that they will go away again without really engaging.  The market seems to me to need to rethink what it's USP is, as the current range of stalls strikes me as quite limited.

In terms of what Brent Council can do, I think there are two main things.  One would be to set up a proper relationship with Camden.  There is occasional LP service to this idea, but it needs a more permanent arrangement, perhaps like the joint Welsh Harp Committee Brent shares with Barnet.

The second is a big improvement in the public realm to reduce congestion and improve the walk ability of the area for pedestrians.  I don't see any prospect of the kind of major scheme underway in Harlesden Town Centre, but more modest and incremental improvements should be possible.


Always good to meet another street tree supporter.  I have put some more details here.


Anonymous said...

How about the modest and incremental proposal of planting more street trees? These provide a host of benefits:
* Improved air quality
* Reduce heat island effect
* Summer season shading
* Mitigate noise pollution
* Reduce stormwater runoff
* Improve aesthetics of our high streets
The relatively small cost of installation and maintenance is offset many times over by all the above benefits and helps Brent address environmental, economic and social equity goals. I'd love to help see this happen if you can tell me and others how we can support this effort.
Thanks, Charles

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles, thank you for your suggestions. As you have stated that you would be happy to help please feel free to get in touch.

Kind regards


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