
Sunday, 30 August 2009

Elders Charges: Liberal Democrats Lie Again!

Even by Paul Lorber's standards of dishonesty, this one's a whopper. The image above is of a Liberal Democrat leaflet he put out in Sudbury in early 2006 calling for free personal care for the elderly. Naturally since it talks about free personal care for the elderly three times in a short article you might think that Brent Liberal Democrats were working towards that end. Especially given Paul Lorber's quote: "Those that have worked all their lives deserve to retire with dignity".

You might therefore be surprised to learn that once the Liberal Democrats took power in Brent, they increased the charges for personal care for the elderly by 200%.

When challenged, Paul Lorber claimed that the leaflet above was simply talking about Scotland, and had nothing to do with Brent. I doubt with those of his constituents who got it through their door before the 2006 elections understood it that way. Presumably he thinks that only those who live in Scotland "deserve to retire with dignity."

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