
Friday, 11 September 2009

Brian Coleman and the Tichborne Claimant

Sorry about the title but it was kind of inevitable that I would use the term "Tichborne Claimant" in describing the claim brought by Roger Tichborne against Barnet councillor Brian Coleman. Anyway, it is over now.

According to NottheBarnettimes, the Barnet Standards committee ruled that Coleman had breached the Code but would effectively suffer no sanction. I know that Brian Coleman is a horrid little man who the Conservative Party are frankly stupid to maintain him in office, but I think that is not unreasonable.

If councillors are going to be dragged into lengthy legal cases over emails they send out or stupid comments that they make, it would obviously be good for the legal profession but who else? Legally, the Livingstone case where Ken Livingstone made grossly offensive comments to an Evening Standard reporter would surely be the worst example. The Mayor for London spent months and I imagine many thousands of pounds over a brief conversation he had when leaving a party. If elected representatives go round offending large numbers of people can't the voters punish them at the ballot box, or their parties discipline them?

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