
Monday, 19 October 2009

Comments Policy

Following the furious comments left about disgraced councillor Bertha Joseph, I have restored the ability to comment on each post. At least for the moment, I am going to moderate the comments before publication to make sure nothing libellous or grossly offensive gets published. Essentially, I will be like the Editor of a newspaper letters page. I won't necessarily agree with comments that are posted but I will block anything that is grossly offensive.

Also, it would be rather more courageous of the individuals (or individual?) posting to sign with a name rather than just "anonymous".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are allowed freedom of speech by our laws everywhere except on here. therefore, I have noticed the amount of people actually commenting on your blog is either nil, or being edited out of existence.

Bravery in public office includes taking the criticism as well as the accolades.

You may just be doing this Blog for your own amusement,thinking no one actually reads what you have to say, but if not then allow people the right to comment openly. What are you afraid of councillor, surely not the truth and fact from the citizens of Brent.

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