
Saturday, 21 November 2009

Ask No Questions

Incidentally, looking at the Council records of who asks questions, I am struck that the Liberal Democrats in Brent almost never do. Brent Council rules allow each non-Executive councillor to ask a formal question at every Council meeting (with a couple of exceptions). The Tory and Labour councillors make full use of this, but the Liberal Democrats seldom do. For instance, the July 2009 meeting saw the Liberal Democrats ask only five questions when they could have asked a total of 21. Why should there be such a big gap between the parties?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh surely James you cannot be so naive, of course they don't ask questions, one needs a brain in which to formulate one and goodness knows they are bunch of no hopers and really do not care to ask what is being done to Brent in their name.

The Liberals have solely responsible for the most destructive period of brent's history surpassing the barmy Brent era.

With a Leader of the council who is a part timer, who tends to be over reliant on Officers for Feed back and decisions, because Lord knows he finds it difficult to make a decision and throws it back to the Officers to deal with, as an avid observer of the websites of Brent I can see it a mile wide. Calling him the Leader is the biggest joke in Brent .

Just how many millions is he going to leave us in debt when he is out of office, and isn't it ironic that he's an accountant . Another grey pointless individual who is only keeping the seat warm for Ann John, when Labour win the next election. Enid Rossiter

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