
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Liberal Democrats and the Mayor

Want another example of Brent Liberal Democrats being useless? What about the post of Mayor?

Back in 2003, Paul Lorber, the Lib Dem "Leader" had a very clear view. Brent Liberal Democrats said they wanted "to free up money for improving services in the borough by abolishing the post of Deputy Mayor, cutting the cost of the Mayor's Office by ending the many trips outside of Brent and the "Gravy train" of Mayors attending each other's events, and deleting the new extra assistant for the Mayor."

Since the Liberal Democrats have done none of these things, I assume that they are no longer interested in "improving services in the borough."


Anonymous said...

We all agree that the Liberals cannot run things in Brent, if you think this is mad, what is the crazy business that they have been doing to the caff in roundwood park, we all know they could not rune a P**s up in a brewery, but they were mad enough to let them in now we have to get them out. We cannot afford another three years of this crazy.

Wake up people of brent and stop the Libs from completely screwing with us all.
Who ever saves that caff will get my votes and I notice all the local councillors have retreated in their shells about it and all are silent as to a solution to break the deadlock.

Councillors Powney and Thomas get your ssleeves up and fight for this cafe and our community who love it.

Anonymous said...

Brent Liberals need their heads banging together with the Conservatives who rubber stamp their madness.
They are coming up with all kinds of money saving ideas at the expense of our services and our provisions locally.

Yet we are millions in debt and with all the stupid ideas and brutality to our communities including the idiocy at Roundwood Park.

Who in there right mind thinks that they can get thousands in rent from them when 65000 businesses went bankrupt this year.

Roundwood Cafe would be empty and vandalised and let to rot and even if they managed to bribe a tenant in there the locals will boycott it in protest and the park will return to the way it was before the cafe reopened some years ago, with the current management, if it isn't broke don't fix it.

Hurry up and get them out and save our communities from this wholesale slaughter on our services and our beautiful cafe being lost to us.

Sylvie, Brent Central.

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