
Friday, 18 December 2009

Greenhouse Application Rejected

Incidentally, the application for a new housing development at the Greenhouse site in Welsh Harp was rejected on Wednesday. It really was a pretty terrible application, trying to build a housing estate in the middle of a nature reserve. Planning officers said that they thought Barnet Council would be likely to reject the parallel proposal on the Cool Oak lane side as well.


Anonymous said...

As usual the dreaded Liberals and their nasty disrespect for our heritage, culture , or environment , we have for nearly four years been brutalized by the cold carelessness of this party and the councillor's who are to a man heartless and have the drone mentality of their bewildered leader. How long we cam hang on whilst they sell us down the river and skin us alive and prostitute our feelings our children and the future and the few assets we have left. Till we in Brent are stripped of our dignity and our services are underfunded poorly implemented and managed.
Will we ever again see the peace and prosperity we once enjoyed in Brent. We now have a post apocalyptic nightmare to get over, whilst the Liberals sliver back into obscurity and menace our lives from the sidelines again.

Anonymous said...

When we consider the stupidity of the current leaderships planning policies, they are not just on the bland pointless buildings that are now littering Brent.
We should look closer to home and ask about the crazy decision to put a bus stop in the crescent outside Roundwood park , where there is never a bus going down the crescent, that on top of the stupid decision to put parking meters outside a public park. I have noticed that since these were put in that the usage of the park has deteriorated as a regular dog walker I notice the steep drop off of people using the park. It is ridiculous against the background of trying to encourage people into more healthy lifestyles.
The Libs have been in control for such a short time, yet they have wrecked so many aspects of the ordinary life of people in Brent. When will they stop this stupid regime has to fall and we have undo what damage can be repaired.

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