
Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Somalis and khat in Brent

A few days ago I went to a meeting with Somali activists who were very concerned about khat use in Brent.

Back in Somalia, khat is used fairly seldom, at events like weddings for example. However, over here it has become widely used. The activists there were all in favour of it being made illegal in the same way as other European countries (I think only the Netherlands and the UK allow it to be legal in EU). Cllr Paul Lorber, who was also present, voiced the standard Lib Dem line against making it illegal. I wondered what other people thought?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trazodone is worster than qat. So i dont know why people are making a big deal about it. Even tho Khat is illegal in the USA. it still sells on the internet through UK. Theres even a website for it called,
its a forum.
So really its the US who have a problem with it. just because it boosts Yemen and the arab world economy. America should be concentrating on their own country. Its full of other harmful drugs. and ask your self this, why dont the yanks clear up cocaine cartels? why?.............Because it fetchs money to the American goverment. So please think!

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