
Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Sarah Teather's Less than Saintly Expenses

Sarah Teather, the Liberal Democrat MP for Brent East, is facing questions over her use of taxpayers' money here. The allegation is that she has allowed the taxpayer to subsidise Brent Liberal Democrat campaigning. If true, that would be embarressing and possibly politically fatal for someone with her record of unctious sanctimony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So the patron saint of poison dwarfs is tainted as much as our council , the vague and ineffective Mr Lorber, the way in which the new Brent is using the resources of the council to wage warfare against community figures and organisations. The silence coming from the Conservatives shows collusion in the issuses and Ms Teather who would attend the opening of a toilet door, if there were press there, now shows who se really is in her expence claims.
Hopefully the change of leaders in the council after the election will signal the end of the reign of terror against our community leaders and the nasty and malicious vendetta's will end. In the meantime it is better that the saintly Ms Teather is finally seen as she truly is.

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