
Sunday, 29 August 2010

Brent's Civic Centre

Although no one on the streets ever talks about it, I thought it might be useful to summarise the arguments around the Brent Civic Centre since for people who work in the Council it seems to absorb an inordinate amount of time. Indeed, our review of the Centre has taken up almost as much time as the Budget.

Firstly, the economic argument is that although it will take up to £7 million to service the debt to pay for the Centre, officers have estimated that we will save £9.5 million. This mainly comes from leaving 15 of the sites that we currently occupy and moving the staff into the new Centrew. Thus, any plan not to go ahead would have to find an extra £2.5 million in the Budget.

Secondly, the environmental beenefits of the new Centre are immense, contributing a 12.2% cut in the Council's overall carbon emissions as well as possibly underpinning a Wembley District Heating scheme.

Thirdly, the Centre helps boost the development around Wem,bley Stadium, which is the principal driver of jobs growth in the local economy.

Fourthly, having a single centre should help to make Brent Council a more efficienct organisation than hitherto, with less time spent passing between various offices.


Anonymous said...

Is there any point adding comments?

Shafique A Choudhary said...

Leaving behind a beautiful and top spot overlooking whole Brent and get into a concrete jungle with a matchbox glass walled if it is a wisdom then I will applause this transfer and rational behind it. My only fear is one-day decision makers are going to come back, their heads in their both hand, regretting boundlessly about had done in the name of false economy.
My advice to them is "do not contemplate to sell the present site to a developer/s". Develop the site for the future for the people of Brent, which shows what Brent was in the past and what it has become and what it will be in the future.

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