
Sunday, 10 October 2010

Route 18 Bendy Buses

Boris Johnson's abolition of bendy buses is due to reach the Route 18 in November. Apparently, 52 double deckers have been bought (to allow for four off the road) at who knows what expense. Everyone knows that these buses will take longer to load and offload, causing delays and overcrowding on a route that isn't exactly free of them anyway. However, I only recently learnt that the new double deckers will have space for only one buggy. Anyone who uses the 18 route knows that there is frequently more than one buggy on the bus. Are mothers just going to be forced to wait until a free bus comes along? I suspect that some of them may be forced into alternative transport (i.e. cars) instead.

All this inferiour service at an exceptionally high price because London Transport are buying out the Bendies before the lease arrangements are up, and paying for the new vehicles. It is a lot to pay for helping Boris Johnson's "routemaster" vanity project.


Anonymous said...

There's room for two buggies per bus. I doubt if the "buggies spaces per hour" reduces with more buses.

On other ex-bendy-bus routes, passengers have approved of the change.

There has been no suggestion of Boris buses outside central London routes (so far anyway).

Unknown said...

As a user of both bendy buses and double deckers I can say from experience that Route 149 is now much less convenient, quick and efficient. What next Boris? Horse drawn carriages with postilions? Hot air balloons? As the author points out, the double deckers are much less accessible for women with prams and, might I add, people in wheelchairs. Congratulations Boris!

Unknown said...

Personally I think the scrapping of bendy buses on route 149 has hit fare paying passengers badly. Previously wee were able to board a bendy bus and have plenty of space to move about or get on and off. With the return of the double deckers you instantly notice how cramped travel is, and you are forever having to move in extremely confined spaces to let to expedite ingress and egress. The new Boris trains on the London Overground are the way forward, I hope, for the entire metro train network, and the bendy buses are their equivalent on the road.

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