
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Money Recovered from Icelandic Banks

It looks like Brent Council is going to get most of the money that the previous Tory / Liberal Democrat administration lost in Icelandic Banks back.


Anonymous said...

What will Brent do with this money?

Anonymous said...

What will the council do with this money?

Anonymous said...

So DON'T Close our LIBRARIES then!

Anonymous said...

I imagine it will be money the Council gets in one sum so can't be put into run services like a library - will have to be one off investment into buildings.

best idea is for COuncil to put it into schools because there is a shortage for school places in Brent.

Council doesnt have to provide library access to everyone in Brent but does have to provide school places. I hope brent clrs use this money for schools for our children rather than keeping library open.

Library are good, but school education is like a human right so in dificult financial period Council is right to prioritise

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