
Friday, 20 April 2012

Rucklidge Avenue Anti-Social Behaviour

The corner of Rucklidge Avenue and Park Parade has been the focus of anti-social behaviour for some time, but I think the two planning applications coming up for the Green Man and the old Willesden Social Club might have the potential to help. 

Reducing the number of flats at the Green Man (as the plans propose) should reduce its potential to have overflowing bins, and hence.  Having a building on the site of the old Social Club will rob squatters and ne'er-do-wells of a place to congragate.  It should also help create nature overlooking for the area by DesignWorks, where there have been complaints of people hanging around.  Progress on both these sites has been slow.  I first started a petition to sort out the Willesden Social Club back in 2005.  If the current applications are rejected it is likely to be a long time before any new solution comes forward, so it is important to look at both of them carefully and in a spirit of compromise.

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