
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Brent Council last night

I suppose I should report on the meeting of full Council last night, but it was really rather humdrum.  We took a decision to implement new standards arrangements as a result of the localism Act, and passed a few inconsequential motions and that was it.


The option of retaining the previous balance of the Standards Committee was not a real one.  The government has revoked the previous conditions that allowed the Standards Committee to have a special make up, so it now falls under the standard rules of "political balance" i.e. the Committee has to have a membership that reflects the political make up of the Council.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did you vote for the new balance on the standards committee having said on your own blog that you were against it? Hypocrisy, surely, or are you too afraid of doing what you believe in, for fear of losing your cabinet post?

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