
Monday, 22 October 2012

Kilburn Library Under Fives

I was amazed to be told that the average attendance for an under fives session at the refurbished Kilburn Library is about 95 people (both children and adults).  It looks as if the refitted Library is rapidly establishing itself as one of our most successful.


Anonymous said...

Great for children and families that live near it. Shame that our local nurseries in Kensal Green/Kensal Rise can't access it. Too impossible to travel on the tube or bus with underfives, to say nothing of the increased numbers of staff needed to comply with staff/child ratios.
The pop up library at Kensal Rise Library is very popular with underfives because it is local. Great selection of books for children and the story telling sessions have been well attended.
Why you thought it was a good idea to close the library is difficult to work out.

Anonymous said...

It always was a very busy popular session at Kilburn Library before the refurb.
So nothing new here.
The numbers will have increased because you have closed the other Libraries.

Ms N said...

Yes, that's true. It has always been popular there. Used to go with my daughter 4 years ago, very well attended then. Could have been a very well attended library at Kensal Rise too had you put the effort into it. You must be delighted now to have the promise of council tax from all the new anonymous, identity-free flats that will be replacing our community space. Well done James, you have been instrumental in destroying our cultural and educational heritage.

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