
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Willesden Library Centre Gets Planning Permission

I should report that Willesden Green Library Centre was approved by the Planning Committee On Thursday.  This is important for all kinds of Council activity. Obviously, having first class library facilities was a central feature of Brent's Libraries Transformation Project.  Since it had by far our highest footfall, we know that Willesden Library was in a good location, but the design of the building left much to be desired.

The new development also affirms our commitment to the Brent Musuem, and is earmarked as a key venue in our arts strategy.  The rebuild will also help to improve the quality of the one stop shop facilities.  Less obviously, the new building will have a greatly enhanced environmental performance, and will serve as an alternative to the Civic Centre in case of a major emergency affecting that building.

I would also add that the existing centre doesn't interact with its surroundings?  It has a lot of dead frontage.  The area between the car park and the building itself was presumably designed as some kind of performance space, but I have never seen anything being performed there.  The area to the front is routinely used by street drinkers who many people find intimidating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Willesden Lane / Walm Lane junction ought to be developed as a public space now.

Over the next few years, the road width can be shaved down a bit, the pavement slightly widened, and the pedestrian surface renewed in high-quality materials.

That more open area will be fine as the new location for the RARE public events that have happened in front of the library in the past.

Councillors should put that on their TO-DO list.

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