
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Willesden Green Murals

My colleague Cllr Lesley Jones has pointed out the two new murals being put up as part of the Willesden Green Library redevelopment.  The Kilburn Times seems unable to hear the word "library" without trying to turn it into some sort of attack on Brent Council.

I think the murals are an imaginative approach, which should be regarded as best practice.  They give local children the opportunity to work with an artist in an educational way.  They help advertise the interim library service to the public.  They also do something to brighten up Willesden High Road, and they also help support artists in Brent at a time when budgets are ever tightening.  Hopefully, the children who work on the project will also get a sense of pride from seeing their work on public display.

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