
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Brent Recycling Again

Following yesterday's post, I thought a fuller look at recycling might be in order.  Although the blue top bins have been a big success, the Council started implementing a package of recycling measures from April to take progress even further.  The aim is to take the recycling rate to 50%, which would be a fantastic improvement on the less than 30% rate we inherited in 2010.

The steps so far are:

1) Doorknocking on a geographical basis in the areas which have worst recycling rates to encourage more recycling.  I know from my own experience that a number of people don't understand the system.  Often this is because they are new to Brent.

2) Installing food waste recycling in flats.  This has now been completed at more than 190 blocks of flats.

3) Better waste enforcement.  The enforcement team was reorganised at the beginning of this year, and concentrate on particular areas over a three week period with high visibility enforcement. Since that time, they have undertaken 2,556 street inspections, 325 business investigations, 128 fly tipping investigations and 81 littering investigations.  These have resulted in a number of cautions and prosecutions.

4) Better recycling of street waste.  The contractor has reorganised so that a greater proportion of street waste is recycled.  Officers estimate that this could save more than £100,000 in landfill charges over a full year.

5) An information pack has been prepared for letting agents to help get them to engage their tenants more in recycling.

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