
Friday, 20 September 2013

Community Access at the New French School

One of the conditions of the planning permission for the former Town Hall was for a community access plan for the school outside school hours.  The precise details are not yet agreed.  These sort of agreements are quite common these days, although they usually focus on sports facilities, such as those at the ARK Academy or Capital City Academy in Doyle Gardens.  I know people have complained that the fees at the Capital Academy are too high, but I think it quite reasonable that the schools cover their costs.

The new French schools main sports areas are too close to residents at the back of the site for use after hours, but we did specifically ask for arrangements at their school library, which is planned for the former town hall library.  The kind of thing they are interested in would probably be linked to the promotion of French culture.


I published the comment below because I often publish comments I disagree with.  How can anyone imply that France has not made an incalculable contribution to humanity in virtually any field you care to name?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The French have culture?

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