
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Wembley Library Growth Not Unprecedented

My Sunday post on the growth of numbers at Wembley Library, which has been picked by the Kilburn Times, has led some to express surprise.

It is actually not that surprising if you consider the precedent of Kilburn Library.  Kilburn had a major refurbishment followed by opening on 10 September 2012.  The subsequent visit and loan figures are on the Brent Council web site here.  The relevant comparison is Quarter 3, which was the first full quarter after re-opening.  Visits went up by 226.9%, and loans rose by 71.7% in that Quarter.

A major refurbishment really does have a beneficial effect on the number of people using the library.  Such precedents bode well for the prospects of the new Willesden Green Library Centre in 2015.

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