
Sunday, 1 December 2013

Automatic Library Membership Schemes

Given that libraries offer a free service, it is surprising that such a small proportion of the population use them, and one way I have been trying to get round this is automatically enrol school children in libraries.  Brent actually formed part of an ACE pilot for this, but with only mixed success.

There seems to be a surprising reluctance by schools to engage with such a scheme.  There is also a problem around the UK's data protection laws, which mean that you effectively have to use the school address as a home address.  Thus, although you often see school parties at Brent libraries, the take up is patchy.

I still think that such schemes could have a part to play, however, and I am hoping Brent will be able to engage with a major employer or two to see whether automatic library membership could be extended to adults.

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