
Monday, 2 December 2013

Cllr Dhiraj Kataria

I understand that Cllr Dhiraj Kataria has left the Labour Group to join the Liberal Democrats.  Some may recall that Cllr Kataria has had dealings with the Liberal Democrats before.  Those dealings involved an accusation that the then Leader of the Council had interfered in a planning application.  Oddly, these breaches had supposedly occurred some time before the actual accusation was placed, Cllr John was completely exonerated.

The actual allegation was made by Cllr Paul Lorber on the basis of information passed to him by Cllr Kataria.  Cllr Paul Lorber subsequently refused to reveal the source of the information to the investigating officer, something I thought odd at the time.

Now Cllr Kataria is reported to have joined the Liberal Democrats.

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