
Friday, 3 January 2014

Cllr Lorber Complaint to be Heard

The report resulting from my complaint about Cllr Paul Lorber is due to be discussed by the Standards Committee on 9 January.  The meeting will be held in public.  Cllr Lorber undoubtedly has a whole raft of conflicts of interest and has used his position as a councillor to further them in a way that I consider to be wholly wrong.

What I think most people will find surprising though is the sheer rudeness with which he tried to bully ACAVA into handing him some sort of sub-letting. 


The comment below certainly gives a spin on the subject.  I have included a link to the committee report above.  It is a general axiom that primary sources tend to bring you closer to the truth than secondary ones.  Anyone who reads the actual report can make their own judgement as to whether Cllr Lorber behaved rudely and has a series of conflicts of interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest you head over to Wembley Matters Cllr Powney.
Paul Lorber cleared of Code breach over Barham Library by Independent Investigator

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