
Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Higher Council Tax Bands

I see the Liberal Democrats are proposing a series of higher Council Tax bands instead of their previous Mansion Tax policy.  This really continues to tinker round the edges of Council Tax, which suffers from a political perception that a revaluation exercise would be politically toxic.  Interestingly, the Welsh managed to have such an exercise without the sky falling in.

I am not sure that Council Tax levels have the same salience that they used to.  I seldom have Council Tax raised with me on the doorstep.  Of course, this may be related to the Council Tax freeze Brent has had since 2010, but I don't recall it coming up much during the Lib Dem / Tory administration of 2006-2010, where band D Council Tax was raised by more than £100, despite Brent Liberal Democrat promises to freeze it.

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