
Friday, 16 May 2014

Sports, Parks and Cemeteries in Brent

As the elections draw close I thought I would reflect on what has been achieved in different parts of the Council that I have been involved in the past four years.

Cemeteries have been quite a quiet area, which surprises me given that potentially one can imagine plenty of scope for controversies.  Following the merger of the cemetery department with parks in late 2010, we put together Brent's first comprehensive cemetery strategy for many years.  As I have pointed out with the allotments strategy previously, having a coherent worked out strategy helps gives shape and accountability to Council services.  

On parks, we managed not just to bundle it with the rest of the Public Realm Contract to create a more seamless service, we also changed the planting regime to bring it in line with expectations of climate change.  We also had a large range of investments in Brent parks, including the Borough's first new park for many years at Chalkhill, outdoor gym equipment in several parks, improvements at Tubbs park, improvements at Furness park, Challenge Close in Harlesden improvements, the BMX track near St David's Close, improvements at Tiverton Green, improvements in Gladstone Park following the demolition of Dollis Hill House, the granting of nature reserve status to Mason's field and a longer term strategy for Barham Park.  We also saw new measures to regulate dogs and dangerous and wild animals in parks

With sports, we concluded an award winning cross Borough contract to run Vale Farm.  A new sports centre (owned by Westminster) is being built at Moberley.  There are possible plans for Bridge Park and Dexion House, although these are far from being settled.

Altogether, that seems to me to be quite a lot of stuff. 

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