
Sunday, 10 August 2014

Scrutiny into Garden Waste Charging in Brent

It seems that the Scrutiny Committee didn't really elicit any information into either the garden waste or the health issues in its discussions on Wednesday.  Indeed I am told that even some of the councillors who called the item in were not allowed to ask any questions.  If so, it makes the process of call in, and indeed scrutiny in general, meaningless.  Why should any councillor call anything in, if they cannot then ask any questions about it?

Added to the lack if information in the original report, this means that the entire recycling strategy is being pushed through without any outside input at all.  Much as I respect the expertise of Brent's recycling team, that is just not sensible.  Properly used, scrutiny could add to the process.  However, it appears that the Scrutiny Committee itself has simply decided not to use its powers, and what can you do about that?

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