
Thursday, 4 September 2014

Making Allowances in Brent

Brent's next full Council is coming up on Monday, and a number of issues are raised.  It is reported that the changes to waste collections were taken outside the proper timescales.  Whilst this issue seems trivial, it is important in terms of transparency, and perhaps as a symptom of a wider malaise.  Advertising documents in advance is simply a matter of planning, and really easy enough.  Failing to do it properly may be a small example of a bureaucracy struggling to cope.

However the main item in publicity terms is likely to be the increase in councillors allowances, which are substantial.  However, I am more interested in the logic of the allocation, which I can't see.  The biggest increase (of about 20%) is for backbench councillors, at a time when the virtual abolition of scrutiny in Brent has reduced their workload, contrary to Ed Miliband's wishes.   Meanwhile there are small increases in various special responsibility allowances, despite those (in principle) having more work.  It seems an odd way to do things. 

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