
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Library Study Spaces in Brent

I recently had a conversation in which I was asked whether Brent had more study spaces in its libraries than previously, and I am not sure of the answer.  Certainly it was a concern during the consultation on the Libraries Transformation Project.  It was particularly raised by the Brent Youth Parliament, and lay behind the pledge for "Improved, flexible study areas and quiet zones to meet increased demand", and also underlies the provision of other services such as homework clubs

Thinking about measuring this, one would have to count up not only the number of desk spaces, but also the number of available computers, the number of less formal sitting places and wider multi-functional areas.  One would also have to take into account the longer opening hours of the enhanced Library service compared to the 12 building model.

For instance, as Wembley Library is roughly three times bigger than the old Town Hall Library it is fair to say it has more study spaces of all kinds.  Since it has WiFi, it also has a number of spaces that are not formally laid out as such.  As part of the Civic Centre, you can also see teenagers using the wider building for study as well as the Library itself.

Brent's other libraries have also effectively expanded the space available.  In particular, Kilburn Library has been rewired to accommodate many more computers and study spaces.  Willesden Library, when it opens this Summer, will be somewhat bigger than its predecessor, and hopefully better designed.  Like Wembley Library, it will also have multi-functional spaces that could be used as study space.  Ealing Road Library has also been redesigned to create a modest increase in study space.   Harlesden Library has lots of potential, especially if the BACES space above were better used, and of course Kingsbury Library is also available. 

One issue  have always found frustrating is trying to get schools to open out more to let their spaces be used for study.  I have never really understood why this seems so difficult. 

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