
Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Theresa May's Hostile Environment and the Blame Game

As I suggested the other day, Theresa May's "hostile environment" policy appears to be unravelling.  I suspect both that the Windrush issue is still being underplayed and that the blame game will deepen.

The numbers cited by the Home Office appear to be very low.  I have personally met people with this kind of problem _ that they came to the UK as children without official documentation at a time when that that was deemed not necessary and they are only now finding out the problems.  I find it hard to believe that there are not more than the forty odd cases cited.  The problem in the cases I have personally encountered related to people from what were then UK colonies in the West Indies.  This goes well beyond 1948. 

I didn't realise Sarah Teather's personal involvement in creating the policy as reported by the Guardian today.  Given she was representing an area with so many West Indians and other immigrant groups I am surprised she was not more vocal in trying to get the policy changed at least once she had been removed from office.  It is, after all, a policy of institutionalised harassment of ethnic minorities.  The sheer incompetence with which it has been and is being implemented come on top of that. 

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