
Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Brent's CIL Projects

Martin Francis has got hold of a list of CIL projects awarded by Brent Council.  This is a victory for transparency from a Council that appears to be becoming increasingly secretive.  He objects that the awards seem to be spent by the Council in many cases.  I don't see why that is a concern.  We are talking about taxpayers money so why shouldn't it be spent by people employed by the taxpayer and accountable according to normal public sector rules?

I find it rather odd that in this case Martin, unusually for him, seems to favour a privatised arrangement.

It incidentally highlights the odd case of Preston "library" where more than a quarter of a million is being spent by a small group with no track record of handling that sort of sum.  The report I highlighted previously said that this group would be spending £18,000 on a "reception desk" as well sums of money on shelving that would be sufficient to shelve books worth more than Brent libraries entire annual book stock fund would be capable of buying.  I literally cannot imagine how to spend £18,000 on a reception desk of even the most luxurious character.

Meanwhile Willesden Library was allocated just over £9,000 for a cultural programme despite being the obvious flagship for the Brent's "Borough of Culture".

Whatever the motivation of these awards, reinforcing the proven success of Brent libraries does not appear to be among them. 

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