
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Planning to Back Track

I understand that Brent Council is looking to back track on its proposed £17.8 million payment for changes to the Pedway into Wembley Stadium.  This is a result of the possibility of selling the Stadium it would seem.  I questioned this odd payment when it was first approved by the Council Cabinet back in July last year

Unfortunately without further detail on what is in the deal and what not, it is hard to know what is going on.  It would no doubt prove an extremely suitable subject for a Scrutiny task group as the rumours around developing the area near the Stadium are in danger of damaging the Council's reputation. 

Sunlight is the best disinfectant as David Cameron used to say.

Meanwhile, we still seem to be short of any hint of a wider vision of how Wembley should develop and what the balance between the needs of businesses and residents should be.  Such a vision should really be provided by the political leadership of the Council.

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