
Friday, 1 February 2019

Bridge Park Sports Centre Redevelopment

One of the sadder stories currently rumbling on is that of the Bridge Park development in Stonebridge.  This appears to have led Brent Council into a quagmire of some kind of litigation, but I doubt whether had to be so. 

The Council has been developing a long standing scheme involving a mix of affordable housing, a new sports centre, market housing and an hotel.  It would involve the current sports centre site, the fairly derelict area behind and the Unisys site by the North Circular Road.  There are legitimate questions around the Council scheme, but potentially it could deliver significant benefits for the Stonebridge area.

Objections have been lodged by some of the people involved in the original development and now by Raheem Sterling.  A large public meeting has been held and so far Brent Council seems to have made no real effort to explain what it is doing (or trying to do).  As with the Stonebridge Adventure Playground I fear that unimaginative political leadership will lead to lots of people being disappointed where something much more beneficial could be organised.

UPDATE 01.02.19

Brent Council's plans were published today.

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