
Saturday, 16 March 2019

Inter-generational Illiteracy and Public Libraries

Surprisingly, many people don't think of public libraries when seeking to address illiteracy issues (as with this piece with Seema Malhotra MP, or indeed this video).  This is despite the very obvious role in libraries in providing a plentiful supply of free reading materials, access to all kinds of IT facilities, giving language training, and the increasing levels of rhetoric by politicians about using the service for everything.   As well as the traditional kind of literacy there is a role in bridging the digital divide.  It is good to see that Brent libraries, which have just revamped its web site, is also at the forefront of engaging the public in IT matters according to the CIPFA comparisons

If politicians were more aware not only of the importance of libraries in contributing to solutions for a whole range of policy problems and the way that publicly controlled libraries can contribute they might be keener on providing adequate funding for them. 

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