
Thursday, 9 May 2019

Harlesden Local Referendum on 30 May

Most people by now will have got their polling cards for the European Parliament elections on 23 May by now.  These elections are more important than people give them credit for since who knows how long we might remain in the European Union?  I certainly would not trust much to the various UK government pledges.

The next week there will be a Harlesden Referendum on the local Neighbourhood plan.  This is not dissimilar in content to the Harlesden Town Charter.  The area covered by the referendum runs from All Souls Avenue in the east to the furthest boundary of the current Harlesden ward in the West.  This is an area very similar to the proposed new Harlesden ward under the LGCBE and the Brent & Harrow Cooperative Party proposals.  It builds on and fleshes out many of the Town Charter ideas.

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