
Monday, 15 July 2019

Step Free Access at Willesden Green Tube

There is a long standing demand for step free access at Willesden Green Tube, as reported in the Brent Times.  Attaining this would be challenging and no short term project, although the Jubilee line is a natural place to put such an improvement as it already has a number of lifts at stations along the route.

The two main elements are getting the money and designing a scheme.

At present it seems quite optimistic to imagine that all the money could come from section 106 or Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money.  I would think that some would have to be borne from TfL's disability adjustment grants.

As I understand it the favoured scheme at the moment would be that there be a bridge from the Station Parade side in what is now Mapesbury ward, that would stretch across to the main platform roughly half way along its length.  Thus a new station entrance would be created.  This would be expensive and disruptive to construct but it is possible.

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