
Saturday, 7 December 2019

Brent Green Party and Recycling

Brent Green Party are raising objections to Brent's recycling policy.  Fair enough you might think ... if you didn't the history of recycling in Brent over the past few years.

The Tory/Lib Dem coalition that governed Brent Council in 2006 to 2010 made no great changes to recycling and were apparently content to just drift.  The Labour administration that came to power in 2010 decided that wasn't good enough and introduced a new model model based on alternate weekly collections

The Tories opposed this outright.  The Liberal Democrats and the Greens sniped at it hoping it would fail.  Surprisingly, Brent Friends of the Earth did the same thing

The new system launched in October 2011 and was an immediate success.  The success continued and underlies the improved position today.  As well as this, there were a number of other successes with the waste strategy.

Figures in the Green Party also continued to opposed the new Public Realm Contract that underpins that continuing performance, largely because they are more interested in what they imagine the politics of the Middle East to be. 

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