
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Cooperative Party Objectives

The Cooperative Party has come up with a list of points it wants Labour Leadership and Deputy Leadership candidates to agree to.  They are:

1) First among equals.
That as a sister party we stand united as equals with a shared commitment to engage and develop collectively, including on the development of policy.

2) No regression.
That the role of the Co-operative Party within the Labour Party and its governance structures are maintained, built upon and strengthened.
And that policy agreements reached – which include the commitment to double the size of the co-operative sector, to secure the right to food, and the establishment of co-operative development agencies – is held.

3) More ambition.
That we build on the unique relationships within and between each party, that we strive to be ambitious in expanding the co-operative economy, and that we go further into community empowerment and civic engagement to ensure that power is genuinely held by the many, and not the few.

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