
Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Harlesden Plaza Redevelopment

One of those apparently dreary but actually very important parts of Brent Council is the Local Development Plan, which is a key document in the Borough's changing Planning policies.  This currently has a review up to 22 March this year.

Part of the plan is to identify prominent sites that could be developed in interesting ways, and one of those named is Harlesden Plaza, which is at the centre of Harlesden Town Centre.  I recall this being seen as the natural centre of Harlesden during the Town Centre planning process and in the Town Charter.  The plan is for enhanced numbers of residential properties with mixed retail and due attention paid to the area's conservation status including the historical status of Harlesden Methodist Church.  Skilfully done this has the potential to achieve a lot.

The document could certainly benefit from revision as some of the sites identified (known as Site Specific Allocation) have actually been built on or otherwise developed.  For example the former service station site and the old Dust Club are unlikely to see any new activity for a long time. 

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