
Thursday, 8 March 2018

Planning Controversy Slips Under the Wire in Willesden

Rather quietly, a new development proposal is being brought forward in Queens Parade in Willesden.  I mentioned it a few days ago.  It is quite a tall building and centres on student accommodation, which has been resisted by Brent in Willesden High Road in the past (I am particularly thinking of the Spotted Dog and some of the proposals around there). 

The danger with student accommodation is that the standard for what is expected to be temporary and part time usage is so low that it can easily be turned into slum housing later on.  Changing the usage from students to (say) a hostel would not require planning permission and would therefore be quite easy to do. 

The officer report admits this, saying "There are a larger number of units per core than would normally be acceptable for a residential development however due to the fact that this is a proposal for student accommodation it is considered acceptable." 

It follows the Council exceeding necessary levels of student accommodation in Wembley

A second issue with the site is that it includes a basement.  These basements have often been criticised, and the immediate area there has been prone to flooding.  Indeed no less a personage than Sarah Teather suffering flooding more than once back when she maintained an office immediately opposite at 1 Willesden High Road. 

1 comment:

Martin Francis said...

See also:

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