
Monday, 14 January 2019

The Growing Incoherence of Populist Movements

I have argued before that too many people see politics as just theatre, with no effect on real life.  This seems to be especially so on demonstrations, where some people seem to drag in all kinds of causes that have nothing to do with the supposed theme of the event.  Sometimes the location of the demonstration also appears to be totally irrelevant.  I was reflecting on this following the suggestion that the Peoples Assembly staging a rally for a new General Election should include elements of gilats jaunes movement.  The Gilats jaunes started as a fuel price protest and has since generalised into a unhappiness with the state of France movement.  Last I saw, it appeared to have protest against gay marriage as a major theme.  They are also said to have some very ugly beliefs

It is hard to see how that relates to a UK General Election. 

I find this observation of sheer incoherence more convincing, than the other possibility that a hitherto leftist fringe is starting to merge with the Hard Right (although I do agree that appears to be happening over anti-Semitism).

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