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Sunday, 10 June 2018

Restraint and Public Money

I met some one who was upset that I had pointed out that Kensal Rise Library had received public money contrary to what some of its supporters have been quoted as saying.  They saw this as "vindictive".

I, on the other hand, just see it as accurate.

I actually think that Brent Council was really quite restrained in dealing with the Kensal Rise litigators.  That is partly because I think the Council was well aware that what would count would be the actual outcome of the case, not any bluster around it.  Hence we didn't go in for the kind of personal abuse that some of the litigants went for, and we even forwent the legal costs that we could have demanded from the primary litigant.

Subsequently of course that group has been given almost £100,000 of taxpayers' money.

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