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Monday 7 March 2011

Dogs in Parks

There is concern over proposed limits on dogs in parks. Essentially, this is about different needs by different users.  Non dog owners tend to get really annoyed by the amount of dog fouling in our parks, and not all owners are responsible.  The restriction not to walk more than six dogs is really aimed at professional dog walkers rather than a pet owner walking their own dog.

1 comment:

Sagar Shah said...

I think the limit of six dogs is very generous by the Council.

I can't see how one person could clean up all the mess if six dogs decided to foul in unison ;-)

Are these proposals being brought in just to synchronise Brent with other boroughs or are they in response to extra work Council staff are having to do to clean up after irresponsible owners?

If it's the latter then I have to wonder if there's some mechanism by which the council can force professional dog walkers to be licensed etc. and thus charge for them to essentially make commercial use of public facilities. The council does need to think out of the box to raise revenues in fair ways.

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